Featured Pets

Help these Rhode Island pets in need!

We are frequently contacted about local animals in need of foster homes, rescue placement and adoption, veterinary treatments and more. Are you able to help us help them?

Oreo and Bello

Help us help Oreo and Bello! Bello and Oreo are staying with Four Dogs Senior Animal Rescue, a local sanctuary for senior dogs. Huge thank you to our friend Sue, who has been fostering them for the last few months, and to the Four Dogs team! We're glad this next step in their journey will still give their owner a chance to be reunited with them if he's able to secure housing in the near future -- and that they'll be safe and getting great care in the meantime, while staying out of a shelter or kennel environment.

That said, we know that caring for seniors gets very expensive and both Bello and Oreo are in need of some medical care, including dentals. The heads of Four Dogs primarily pay for everything out of their own pockets, so we want to continue helping them with their expenses. Want to help?

  • Donate with a note that it's for Oreo and Bello and we'll be sending them all donations received;

  • You can donate directly to the rescue;

  • Want to sponsor a month of food or flea/tick/heartworm preventative for them, or become a recurring monthly donor for the amount of your choice? Email us at ri.pet.network1@gmail.com;

  • Interested in hosting a fundraiser or collection for them at your business, office or personally? Contact us!


Lola underwent surgery on May 9th for removal of a mass, as well as an ear exam under anesthesia and a much-needed nail trim. The mass was huge but appears to be benign - fingers crossed while we await results. Lola truly had a village behind her and is now ready to feel better and start the next chapter of her life, thanks to the kindness and generosity of our supporters! We hope it's smooth sailing from here on out for this sweet girl who has been through so much.

(Huge thank you to Animal Talk, PAWS New England, Cuddles of Hope Animal Edition, Lola’s wonderful foster family, Dr. Dudley and the care team at Wachusett Animal Hospital and Pet Retreat.,and everyone else who has donated. You’re all amazing!)


Appa needs a special foster (or adopter) immediately with experience with some special medical issues. Our buddy Appa has been in boarding for the last few weeks and, while he's had some fun, it's turning out to be too stressful for him. Appa was born with a spinal deformity which causes him to have urinary and fecal incontinence (he is used to being diapered at home). He's having some GI issues which are worsening with the stress of boarding. We are working with PAWS New England on getting him in to see a GI specialist, but in the meantime, we need to get him into a calmer home environment ASAP and someone who will be understanding of his issues.

  • Appa love, love, loves people and attention

  • Appa likes other dogs who don't mind that he's very playful and can be a little oblivious to social cues

  • Appa has some slight bowing and intermittent weakness in his back legs but is still very strong and mobile and enjoys being active

Please reach out to us at or Joanne from PAWS New England if you may be able to help.